45th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics

Online, 31 January – 1 February 2022

Post-symposium information

The 45th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics was successfully carried out on 31 January – 1 February 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the symposium was held online via the Zoom platform instead of at Geilo.

This symposium beat the attendance record from last year, with 115 registered attendees. 29 full presentations were held over the two days of the symposium, as well as 10 short presentations from new acoustics students. The presentations spanned many fields in physical acoustics, including underwater acoustics, waves in solids, ultrasonic non-destructive testing, acoustic measurement systems, and transducers.

We, the organisers, would like to thank the presenters and the participants for making the symposium a success despite being held online during a pandemic! We hope to see everyone back at Geilo again in 2023.


UPDATE: The proceedings have now been published. You can find them here!

Everyone who held a presentation at the symposium is invited to make a submission to the Proceedings of the 45th Scandinavian Symposium on Physical Acoustics. We allow two types of submissions:

  • Full articles, which should give a full account of the work you presented. Article submissions have no page limit.
  • Extended abstracts, which should give a brief summary of the work you presented. Extended abstracts are limited to four pages.

Submissions must be written using the provided LaTeX or Word templates. Please contact us at SSPAGeilo@gmail.com if you have any issues with these templates.

To submit your article, please send it as a .pdf file to SSPAGeilo@gmail.com. The submission deadline is Monday, April 18.

Pre-symposium information

While the 45th symposium has now been successfully carried out, we keep the original pre-symposium information below for posterity.

The Norwegian Physical Society announces that the 45th symposium in the series will again be held online due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. We encourage you to participate, and to distribute this invitation to others who may be interested in joining this symposium!

About the symposium

As always, the theme will be physical acoustics, with an emphasis on ultrasound, marine acoustics, nonlinear acoustics, and sound propagation in general, with applications in technology, medicine, fisheries, environmental monitoring, and defense.

The main purpose of these symposia is to strengthen contacts and exchange information between acoustics groups in Scandinavia. However, the symposium is held in English, and non-Scandinavian participants are also very welcome. While the 45th symposium is held online instead of in person, we still hope and expect to have the same informal tone as always.


As the symposium has been moved online due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this year’s program is shortened to two days. The symposium will open on Monday morning and end on Tuesday afternoon. Throughout the program, we will have breaks for coffee and conversation.

Download the full program here!


The symposium will be held online, via the Zoom platform. Every registered participant will receive a link to join well ahead of time. We ask all participants to ensure that they have the most recent version of Zoom installed before joining the Symposium. Participants who want to familiarise themselves with Zoom ahead the symposium are also welcome for a special ‘test run’ session on Friday 28 January at 14:15–15:00 CET.

If you are a registered participant and have not received your Zoom link yet, please contact us!


There is no registration fee. While registration for presenters closed on 17 December 2021, you can still register as a participant without a presentation. Please use the registration form to provide your email, name, and affiliation.

Organising committee

Contact email: SSPAGeilo@gmail.com